CFD Analysis

M/E Engineering uses advanced simulation software, known as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), to model real world ventilation, IAQ, wind dispersion and energy-related problems. This state of the art tool for CFD engineering and energy modeling services is routinely used by M/E Engineering during design to maximize efficiency, effectiveness and safety.

Our engineers use CFD modeling to routinely simulate and evaluate a multitude of building environments such as building ventilation systems. Using the most accurate numerical tools available, our team assesses:

  • The effects of wind on building discharges
  • Controlled, clean environments
  • Manufacturing facilities & their processes
  • Lab safety
  • Ventilation air patterns
  • Ventilation efficiency
  • Indoor & outdoor Air Quality
  • Temperature uniformity & comfort
  • Many other applications of airflow, fluid flow and heat transfer

M/E Engineering's Advantage:

  • A proven track record of accurate models with a very satisfied client base.
  • Over 20+ years of MEP and CFD consulting experience. For some applications, M/E Engineering has used CFD modeling for more spaces than any other organization in the world, including labs and laboratory animal rooms.
  • As a fluid dynamics company, M/E Engineering offers competitively priced services that are significantly lower than wind tunnel studies and physical testing.


Matthew Schulwitz
Project Engineer, CAES Group

M/E Engineering
300 Trolley Boulevard
Rochester, NY 14606
Phone: 585.288.5590 x1362

Have a question or want to discuss a project? contact us