Erie County Medical Center
23kV Electric Service Upgrade
Buffalo, NY
Project Highlights
For this electrical engineering project M/E Engineering provided design and construction administration for the substation. The new substation provides improved redundancy and automatic contingency for a loss of one (1) of the four (4) National Grid lines. The electrical substation was replaced sequentially using adjacent land for the new substation without any major interruptions to the Hospital. The approximate construction cost is $3,000,000.
Emergency Power: Five (5) new generators were provided to the campus. Two (2) 800 kW paralleled generators replace two (2) existing paralleled generators in the existing Hospital tower; the existing generators were 30+ years old with growing concerns regarding redundancy and capacity. A new generator farm with three (3) 750 kW generators are connected in parallel. The new generator serves the North end of the campus. The approximate construction cost is $600,000.
The upgrades noted above were implemented to accommodate increased load, end-of-life replacement, increased efficiency, added redundancy, reliability, and future flexibility.